Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Saunders Cancer Campaign

It's April, and that means Spring! Unless you're in Canada where it's still freezing and occasionally snowing (Grr). April means more than just spring though, it means it's time for the Saunders Secondary School Cancer Campaign!

Every year Saunders does everything it can to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society. Last year we raised over $45,000, and we're trying to surpass the $40,000 mark again this year. For more info check out the Facebook page.
There are lots of events being held at the school to raise money, so if you live in the area check it out!

Even if you don't live in the area you can still donate! Just go here, and remember, all the money goes to cancer research. Even if you can only spare a few dollars, every little bit helps. You can also buy Cancer Campaign T-shirts!

Another super-easy way to support the campaign is to watch the Cancer Campaign video and send it to everyone you know.

Every year I'm amazed at how much support we receive, and how much we manage to raise. I'm hopeful that this year will be our best yet.