Hi everyone! I thought I'd just pop in and say Happy Holidays! It's Christmas Eve (20 minutes to Christmas) here, so Merry Christmas to those of you that celebrate it. Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa to anyone who celebrates either of those. And to everyone else, Happy Holidays. I hope you're enjoying the holiday season.
I'm excited to spend tomorrow with my family. I haven't seen most of them for a while, so it will be nice to see everyone again. I'm sure I'll have tons of fun with my crazy cousins. On boxing day I'm celebrating Christmas with my mom's side of the family. It will be a smaller gathering, because most of the family lives out of town, but it will still be fun. Then a quiet New Years at home with my dad and my brother.
I almost forgot to mention, we're having a band meeting on January 3rd, to work on the song. I've finished up the lyrics, so now it's up to the others to come up with music. I don't play any instruments, so I'm kind of useless with that. Hopefully I'll have some good news to report after the meeting, so stay tuned.
And just to help you get in the winter spirit, here's a picture I took the other day.
I think that's all for now. So, does anyone else have any fun plans for the holidays? Let me know.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
So you may know from my past posts that I'm a huge music lover. I spend almost all my free time listening to music, and I sing whenever I can. In the past I've posted links to playlists and songs on Youtube. You may have also noticed that I semi-recently joined tumblr. Well, I've now made a tumblr page for my favourite music. It's called You Are The Melody.
Fun fact about the name: It's inspired by a song that my friends and I are writing - and hopefully recording - together. We're just starting, so hopefully I'll have more on that later.
Anyway, this new page will have all the cool music I find on tumblr. I'll probably be updating it more often than I update my blog, so you should definitely check it out! I'll also link to it in the sidebar.
Fun fact about the name: It's inspired by a song that my friends and I are writing - and hopefully recording - together. We're just starting, so hopefully I'll have more on that later.
Anyway, this new page will have all the cool music I find on tumblr. I'll probably be updating it more often than I update my blog, so you should definitely check it out! I'll also link to it in the sidebar.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Travelling, Part Two
At long last, here are the pictures I promised.
Before we got to our hotel we decided to do a little shopping. There were flowers everywhere along the street, and I couldn't resist getting some quick pictures. Skyres wanted to actually shop, so I didn't get very many, but this is my favourite:
Before we got to our hotel we decided to do a little shopping. There were flowers everywhere along the street, and I couldn't resist getting some quick pictures. Skyres wanted to actually shop, so I didn't get very many, but this is my favourite:
Eventually we finished shopping and got to the hotel. We had an amazing view of the falls from our window.
It was pretty at night because everything lit up, including the Sky Wheel.
The next day we went to see the falls, and they were just as beautiful as I remembered. I recently got a new camera, and I was so excited to take pictures.
After that we headed down to the Maid of the Mist. Despite all the times I've been to Niagara Falls, I've never gone on the Maid of the Mist, so it was a first. It was an incredible experience. I didn't get many good pictures though, because I'm short and I ended up in the middle of the boat. But if you're wondering, this is the view from the middle of the Canadian Falls.
Basically, it's misty and wet.
Once we got back to shore I did get some pictures of the boat as it headed out again.
And I spotted a little inukshuk hidden by some leaves.
Then Skyres and I went on the Sky Wheel and played some glo-golf on Clifton Hill. The view from the Sky Wheel was fantastic.
After that we had dinner and headed home the next day. I had tons of fun, and I can't wait to hang out with Skyres again.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Home at last. It's been a while since I've been home for more than a couple days. My suitcase hasn't been unpacked for at least two weeks. It's always like this for me in summer. I'm stuck at home for most of July, and then in August I'm hardly ever home.
First I was staying at my dad's house for a week. Then at the end of the week Skyres and I went to Niagara Falls for a few days. We went together a couple years ago, and we had just as much fun this time as we did then. I got to go on the Maid of the Mist for the first time ever. It was absolutely amazing. I got some great pictures too. I'll put those in another post.
After that I was home for a day before leaving for Mississauga with my family. A family friend was in an outdoor art show there. She makes things out of glass. I couldn't resist buying an adorable little owl. We stayed overnight at a hotel and did a little shopping before we left. My favourite purchase was a TARDIS mug. When it's empty it shows the TARDIS on a normal street. When you put hot water in it the TARDIS disappears and reappears on the other side in space. It's super cool.
I was home for two days after that before going over to my friends house for a sleepover. It was good to see all my friends again. I don't get to spend much time with them in summer. We had a great time together. While I was there Skyres dyed my hair for me. We did the tips blue. I only did one colour, because hair dye is a lot more expensive then I remember. It turned out great, and I'm so glad to have colour back in my hair.
I got back from that yesterday, and tomorrow I'm going back to my dad's for a few days. Then I'll be home on Monday or Tuesday and hopefully this time I'll stay home.
My camera's still packed away, so I'll try to upload pictures as soon as I'm home again.
Until then,
First I was staying at my dad's house for a week. Then at the end of the week Skyres and I went to Niagara Falls for a few days. We went together a couple years ago, and we had just as much fun this time as we did then. I got to go on the Maid of the Mist for the first time ever. It was absolutely amazing. I got some great pictures too. I'll put those in another post.
After that I was home for a day before leaving for Mississauga with my family. A family friend was in an outdoor art show there. She makes things out of glass. I couldn't resist buying an adorable little owl. We stayed overnight at a hotel and did a little shopping before we left. My favourite purchase was a TARDIS mug. When it's empty it shows the TARDIS on a normal street. When you put hot water in it the TARDIS disappears and reappears on the other side in space. It's super cool.
I was home for two days after that before going over to my friends house for a sleepover. It was good to see all my friends again. I don't get to spend much time with them in summer. We had a great time together. While I was there Skyres dyed my hair for me. We did the tips blue. I only did one colour, because hair dye is a lot more expensive then I remember. It turned out great, and I'm so glad to have colour back in my hair.
I got back from that yesterday, and tomorrow I'm going back to my dad's for a few days. Then I'll be home on Monday or Tuesday and hopefully this time I'll stay home.
My camera's still packed away, so I'll try to upload pictures as soon as I'm home again.
Until then,
Monday, June 25, 2012
Randomness and Obsessions
I just realized how long it's been since I last posted. Believe it or not, I'm not dead. I may have completely forgotten that I had a blog, but that's debatable. And now I'm not making sense. I should probably be practising my dance for my exam tomorrow, but I've decided that I don't want to do that, so I'm doing this instead.
I didn't really plan what to put in this post. Probably should've done that...
Oh! Here's a playlist I made of some of the songs I've been listening to lately.
I'm not sure if any of you knew, but for about a year I had coloured streaks in my hair. I had to remove them in May for a play I was in, but I'm thinking of putting some colours back in my hair. This time I was thinking of doing just the tips. Kinda like this:

I'll probably just do purple and blue though. My hair looks almost exactly like that, except mine is shorter.
Hmm, what else to talk about? How about some of my recent obsessions? I've started watching a few different shows that I really like; Merlin, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Legend of Korra, to be specific. I've only seen the first season of Merlin, and I just started the third of Doctor Who. As much as I love David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston is still my favourite. I absolutely loved Sherlock. I've watched the whole series twice.
And I just watched the season finale of Legend of Korra today. There are no words to describe how much I love that show. For those of you that don't know, LoK is like a continuation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. It follows the new avatar Korra, a hot-headed and rebellious teenager from the Southern Water Tribe, as she faces the anti-bending Equalists and tries to master airbending. For those of you that have watched the show, you'll understand me when I say Oh my goodness it is the best show ever! I would definitely recommend you watch it if you haven't already, especially if you're a fan of the original series.
Well I think that's enough for one day. I'll try to update more often, but I make no promises.
I didn't really plan what to put in this post. Probably should've done that...
Oh! Here's a playlist I made of some of the songs I've been listening to lately.
I'm not sure if any of you knew, but for about a year I had coloured streaks in my hair. I had to remove them in May for a play I was in, but I'm thinking of putting some colours back in my hair. This time I was thinking of doing just the tips. Kinda like this:
I'll probably just do purple and blue though. My hair looks almost exactly like that, except mine is shorter.
Hmm, what else to talk about? How about some of my recent obsessions? I've started watching a few different shows that I really like; Merlin, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Legend of Korra, to be specific. I've only seen the first season of Merlin, and I just started the third of Doctor Who. As much as I love David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston is still my favourite. I absolutely loved Sherlock. I've watched the whole series twice.
And I just watched the season finale of Legend of Korra today. There are no words to describe how much I love that show. For those of you that don't know, LoK is like a continuation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. It follows the new avatar Korra, a hot-headed and rebellious teenager from the Southern Water Tribe, as she faces the anti-bending Equalists and tries to master airbending. For those of you that have watched the show, you'll understand me when I say Oh my goodness it is the best show ever! I would definitely recommend you watch it if you haven't already, especially if you're a fan of the original series.
Well I think that's enough for one day. I'll try to update more often, but I make no promises.
Monday, March 5, 2012
I Love the Internet
It's true, I spend way too much time on the Internet. But I can't help it. Have you seen all the amazing stuff out there? I could spend my entire life surfing the web, and still not see all the interesting sites there are to see. Although I don't actually spend all my free time on the computer, I have found some pretty cool sites. So here are some of my favourite sites to visit.
First are the obvious ones:
Then there are the more random ones:
Doll Divine is probably my favourite site for dress up games. The artwork is beautiful, and the ideas/themes for the games are always interesting. I like creating my characters in various games to see what they look like in different styles.
Cake Wrecks is self-explanatory. I usually only read the Sunday Sweets section, but some of the wrecks are pretty funny.
Epbot is run by Jen, the same girl who runs Cake Wrecks. It's probably one of my favourite sites to visit. Some of the posts are about how to do amazing crafts, some are about geeky weddings or toys, and some are absolutely hilarious stories about Jen's life. I always leave Epbot with a smile on my face.
Hyperbole and a Half is a blog that always keeps me laughing. Although it hasn't been updated in a while, the stories are so good that I'm still laughing the fifth time I read them.
Colossal is and art blog that I love visiting. It's not boring art like people imagine seeing in a museum. It's often fun, creative, and mind-blowing. For example:
It's a bird made of old CDs. There's always something stunning and beautiful to be found on Colossal.
The Quiet Place is a great way to forget everything and just relax. It doesn't take long, but it works. If you're stressed out, I can guarantee you'll feel better after this.
The Thoughts Room is a good way to just let it all out. If something's on your mind, if something's bothering you, this is a good place to vent. Like The Quiet Place, it's very therapeutic.
I hope you enjoy these sites as much as I do. What are some of your favourite sites? Let me know in the comments!
First are the obvious ones:
Then there are the more random ones:
Doll Divine is probably my favourite site for dress up games. The artwork is beautiful, and the ideas/themes for the games are always interesting. I like creating my characters in various games to see what they look like in different styles.
Cake Wrecks is self-explanatory. I usually only read the Sunday Sweets section, but some of the wrecks are pretty funny.
Epbot is run by Jen, the same girl who runs Cake Wrecks. It's probably one of my favourite sites to visit. Some of the posts are about how to do amazing crafts, some are about geeky weddings or toys, and some are absolutely hilarious stories about Jen's life. I always leave Epbot with a smile on my face.
Hyperbole and a Half is a blog that always keeps me laughing. Although it hasn't been updated in a while, the stories are so good that I'm still laughing the fifth time I read them.
Colossal is and art blog that I love visiting. It's not boring art like people imagine seeing in a museum. It's often fun, creative, and mind-blowing. For example:
It's a bird made of old CDs. There's always something stunning and beautiful to be found on Colossal.
The Quiet Place is a great way to forget everything and just relax. It doesn't take long, but it works. If you're stressed out, I can guarantee you'll feel better after this.
The Thoughts Room is a good way to just let it all out. If something's on your mind, if something's bothering you, this is a good place to vent. Like The Quiet Place, it's very therapeutic.
I hope you enjoy these sites as much as I do. What are some of your favourite sites? Let me know in the comments!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Something New
So, I redesigned the blog again. The fancy red design got kind of boring for me. I like lots of colours. This design is much more me right now. I actually designed the background myself using MS Paint. It was originally for my bedroom, because I wanted to repaint the walls. I love the colours against the black background.
Anyway, I'm in a really good mood today. I had dance class this afternoon, and for the first time I didn't hurt all over afterwards. Also, I'm going over to Skyres's for a sleepover tomorrow night, and she and Kesha are going to do my hair. In case you didn't know, I have coloured streaks in my hair. I change the colour every month or so. This time I'm dying them purple and blue!
Since it's almost Valentine's Day, I'm working on making Valentines cards for all my friends. I found this super-cute picture to put on the front:
Now I just have to figure out what to write on the inside. To me, Valentine's Day isn't just about romantic love. It's about letting your family and friends know how much they mean to you. That's why I'm making cards instead of buying them.
So what are your plans for Valentine's Day? Leave me a comment!
Anyway, I'm in a really good mood today. I had dance class this afternoon, and for the first time I didn't hurt all over afterwards. Also, I'm going over to Skyres's for a sleepover tomorrow night, and she and Kesha are going to do my hair. In case you didn't know, I have coloured streaks in my hair. I change the colour every month or so. This time I'm dying them purple and blue!
Since it's almost Valentine's Day, I'm working on making Valentines cards for all my friends. I found this super-cute picture to put on the front:
So what are your plans for Valentine's Day? Leave me a comment!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
There's this site I use to design characters, called Meez. When I'm bored I like to go on meez and play around a bit. For example:
I also like to design alternate outfits for some of my characters.
And Halloween costumes.
And dresses.
As you can see, I use Kara the most. She's so easy to dress and so much fun to work with!
If you have some free time and nothing to do with it I would definitely recommend checking out Meez.com!
I also like to design alternate outfits for some of my characters.
And Halloween costumes.
And dresses.
As you can see, I use Kara the most. She's so easy to dress and so much fun to work with!
If you have some free time and nothing to do with it I would definitely recommend checking out Meez.com!
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