It's true, I spend way too much time on the Internet. But I can't help it. Have you seen all the amazing stuff out there? I could spend my entire life surfing the web, and still not see all the interesting sites there are to see. Although I don't actually spend all my free time on the computer, I have found some pretty cool sites. So here are some of my favourite sites to visit.
First are the obvious ones:
Then there are the more random ones:
Doll Divine is probably my favourite site for dress up games. The artwork is beautiful, and the ideas/themes for the games are always interesting. I like creating my characters in various games to see what they look like in different styles.
Cake Wrecks is self-explanatory. I usually only read the Sunday Sweets section, but some of the wrecks are pretty funny.
Epbot is run by Jen, the same girl who runs Cake Wrecks. It's probably one of my favourite sites to visit. Some of the posts are about how to do amazing crafts, some are about geeky weddings or toys, and some are absolutely hilarious stories about Jen's life. I always leave Epbot with a smile on my face.
Hyperbole and a Half is a blog that always keeps me laughing. Although it hasn't been updated in a while, the stories are so good that I'm still laughing the fifth time I read them.
Colossal is and art blog that I love visiting. It's not boring art like people imagine seeing in a museum. It's often fun, creative, and mind-blowing. For example:
It's a bird made of old CDs. There's always something stunning and beautiful to be found on Colossal.
The Quiet Place is a great way to forget everything and just relax. It doesn't take long, but it works. If you're stressed out, I can guarantee you'll feel better after this.
The Thoughts Room is a good way to just let it all out. If something's on your mind, if something's bothering you, this is a good place to vent. Like The Quiet Place, it's very therapeutic.
I hope you enjoy these sites as much as I do. What are some of your favourite sites? Let me know in the comments!