Sunday, July 4, 2010

Conspiracy Theories: Waking Up

Did you ever notice how, on the few days you actually get to sleep in, you wake up at the same time you usually do, perhaps even earlier? I noticed. Today, the last day before I have to start getting up for camp, I woke up at FIVE A.M.! I didn't even get up that early when I had to go to school. I tried for about an hour to go back to sleep, but it was useless. Once I'm up, there's no chance of more sleep.

Oh, yeah. I'm going to camp. It's a theatre day camp though, so I'll still have time to post.* I'm really into acting and drama and stuff, and me and Skyres go together every year. Yes, I know the proper way to say it is Skyres and I, but I got four hours of sleep last night, so too bad for you.**

Anyway, I'm planning on making this really cool thing to put on my wall. I'm going to hot glue a whole bunch of old Cd's together, with the shiny side up, and put it on my wall so it reflects the light. I thought it would look cool. I haven't actually started yet, and my last summer project is still in the package(I was really into rug hooking), but I've collected about 30 Cd's, so it's off to a good start.

Oh, and happy 4th of July to all you Americans. Enjoy the fireworks.


*Of course, I have to actually remember. And think of anything to write. And then actually write it. Yeah, this could take awhile.

**Sorry about that. I'm really tired and grumpy. I usually get ten hours of sleep a night during summer. I have good reason to be grumpy. Sorry